PS 164 Alumni


Before they can sign up, members must correctly…

What's This?
An image containing words that users must correctly identify.
What's This?
Create a quiz that new members must answer correctly to join.
Profile Icon
Appears for members of your Ning Network who do not have a profile photo. This GIF, JPG or PNG image will be resized to a 175x175-pixel square.
To give your members access to the Design Studio for their profiles, publish a new theme.
What's This?
Select this option if you want your members to be able to customize the appearance of their My Page.
What's This?
Select this option if you want your members to be able to customize the layout of features on their My Page.
What's This?
All Member Apps on profile pages will be removed if you uncheck this option
Apps should appear on…

Set the Status update prompt
By default, the minimum age in your Terms of Service is 13

© 2016   Created by Patricia Weppler.  

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