Roles on your Ning Network enable you to set up different types of administrators.
Here's the breakdown of the specific permissions you can grant to a role:
Appearance: Access to the Appearance page, including ability to change the theme, settings, or add or remove CSS.
Blog: Tag, feature, and delete blog posts. Delete comments. If blog moderation is on, approve pending blog posts.
Events: Feature or delete events. Delete comments. Send message to guests.
Forum: Access to Manage Forum page, including ability to add, edit, and delete categories and change discussion style. Tag, feature, close, and re-open discussions. Delete discussions or replies.
Groups: Edit and delete groups. Send message to group. Manage group members. If group moderation is on, approve pending groups.
Members: View full list of members. Feature, suspend, and reinstate members. Resend or cancel invitations. If member moderation is on, approve pending members. Create and add members to specific roles.
Music: Edit main page playlist. Feature songs.
Notes: Add, feature, edit, and delete notes.
Pages: Create, edit, and delete pages.
Photos: Delete, tag, feature, and rotate photos. Delete and feature albums. Delete comments on photos and albums. If photo moderation is on, approve pending photos.
Videos: Delete, tag, and feature videos. Delete comments. If video moderation is on, approve pending videos.
If you have specific content that you need help moderating — such as a very active forum thread — you can choose an individual content item by URL for the role to moderate. An administrator of a content item can delete comments, remove the item from your Ning Network, and perform other administrative duties.
You can assign as many members as you'd like to a particular role, and you can create up to 20 roles on your Ning Network.
If you'd like more information about what administrators can do, check out this
© 2016 Created by Patricia Weppler.