PS 164 Alumni

About Roles

Roles on your Ning Network enable you to set up different types of administrators.

Here's the breakdown of the specific permissions you can grant to a role:

Appearance: Access to the Appearance page, including ability to change the theme, settings, or add or remove CSS.
Blog: Tag, feature, and delete blog posts. Delete comments. If blog moderation is on, approve pending blog posts.
Events: Feature or delete events. Delete comments. Send message to guests.
Forum: Access to Manage Forum page, including ability to add, edit, and delete categories and change discussion style. Tag, feature, close, and re-open discussions. Delete discussions or replies.
Groups: Edit and delete groups. Send message to group. Manage group members. If group moderation is on, approve pending groups.
Members: View full list of members. Feature, suspend, and reinstate members. Resend or cancel invitations. If member moderation is on, approve pending members. Create and add members to specific roles.
Music: Edit main page playlist. Feature songs.
Notes: Add, feature, edit, and delete notes.
Pages: Create, edit, and delete pages.
Photos: Delete, tag, feature, and rotate photos. Delete and feature albums. Delete comments on photos and albums. If photo moderation is on, approve pending photos.
Videos: Delete, tag, and feature videos. Delete comments. If video moderation is on, approve pending videos.

If you have specific content that you need help moderating — such as a very active forum thread — you can choose an individual content item by URL for the role to moderate. An administrator of a content item can delete comments, remove the item from your Ning Network, and perform other administrative duties.

You can assign as many members as you'd like to a particular role, and you can create up to 20 roles on your Ning Network.

If you'd like more information about what administrators can do, check out this entry on the Ning Help Center.

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