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Class of 1970
David Chaykin
Class of 1971
Carol Barbuck
Class of 1972
Jay Brandon
Class of 1973
Carol Arken Muller
Class of 1974
Corey Adams
Class of 1975
Gus Berdini
Class of 1976
Helen Anagnostos
Class of 1977
Paul Anavian
Class of 1978
Marc Alan Appelbaum
Class of 1979
Dante Amato
Class of 1980
Randolph Alleyne
Class of 1981
Raymond Bonet
Phil Buckman(Frmrly Phil Joseph
Class of 1982
Stan Beck
Class of 1983
Karen Bloom-Piazza
Class of 1984
Luz Barbosa
Class of 1985
Joel Israel
Class of 1987
Stacey Driscoll (Weisberg)
Class of 1988
Marcela Castaneda
Class of 1989
Richard Jean-Baptiste
Class of 1990
© 2016 Created by Patricia Weppler.
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Regards Barbara
It’s so good to hear about Alan – I remember him talking about his heritage and what it meant to him. And now he’s living in Israel! What an interesting bunch of kids we proved to be at PS 164. Alan was fun and very kind to me. He only invited me to the Capri Beach Club with him because he knew how much I liked you.
Yes, I was too tongue-tied, too overwhelmed, too gob-smacked to tell you then, but that fall, spring, and summer of ’61, as I teetered on the edge of teenhood, you were the very center of my world. Well, you and basketball… You were more than just pretty and smart and funny, you were vivacious – a quality I hadn’t known before: your smile and personality filled any room you were in. I was happy just being around you, awestruck to think you liked me too. And then you were gone. I bemoaned the cruel fate that left me just half a block to the wrong side of the Bowne borderline. (teen angel, doo-wop, doo-wop...♫)
Not to worry – I was young and soon got over it. I haven’t been carrying some secret torch all these years. But with age I’ve come to regret not telling those folks I really cared about in my life how important they were to me. You were. You were wonderful, even then. And it’s disappointed me in reminiscent moments over the long years since that while I remembered your face, your voice – your bonnet – places we were and things you said, I had to admit I never really got to know you: what your favorite books were, who your best friends were, what your dad did, what you wanted to do with your life…
And so I find an odd delight now in hearing you went on from our little productions to star in high school; that you thrived in the classroom, that you read Huck Finn to your high schoolers (I read to my college students, too); that you have grandkids! (I’m so envious…) I’d have loved to hear your Jim – a lot better than my Arwen Evenstar, I’m sure, but almost as hard to imagine. I’m so thankful to this website for giving me a chance finally to catch up with you, and Andy Steele, and the other folks I’ve met again here. Glad to hear you stayed in touch with Nancy. I’d lost touch with everyone.
Here’s a question for you that’s bugged me from the time I found this website: at our table in 6th grade, I sat at one end, toward the center of the room; you were to my left, and Iris Earlbaum was next to you; then Andy was on the other end and Barbara Stern sat next to him, across from Iris – but who was on my right, between Barbara and I, across from you? Damned if I can remember. Must have been too busy looking in the other direction… ;-)
So, it’s very nice meeting you again Rona Herskowitz Kantor, and renewing your acquaintance. My apologies for putting you in the awkward position of being remembered out of all proportion to your own recollections. It’s happened to me here, with younger kids mostly, who remembered some chance kindness on my part that I only dimly recall now. Beauty, like age, invites such asymmetries. I’m sure it’s not the first fan mail you’ve received – just maybe the oldest, most overdue. Glad I finally got to deliver it. Thanks for being there.
I've been lucky, and happier than I dreamed back then. I had a lot of growing up to do (I'm sure you recall); but eventually, a good woman gathered me in and gave me a family, I found good work at UMass and a small rural town for us to take root in.
Sounds like we both turned out boringly well. But I'd love to hear more about your life and loves...
Hope to hear from you!