Ken Lerner has not received any gifts yet
Class of 1970
David Chaykin
Class of 1971
Carol Barbuck
Class of 1972
Jay Brandon
Class of 1973
Carol Arken Muller
Class of 1974
Corey Adams
Class of 1975
Gus Berdini
Class of 1976
Helen Anagnostos
Class of 1977
Paul Anavian
Class of 1978
Marc Alan Appelbaum
Class of 1979
Dante Amato
Class of 1980
Randolph Alleyne
Class of 1981
Raymond Bonet
Phil Buckman(Frmrly Phil Joseph
Class of 1982
Stan Beck
Class of 1983
Karen Bloom-Piazza
Class of 1984
Luz Barbosa
Class of 1985
Joel Israel
Class of 1987
Stacey Driscoll (Weisberg)
Class of 1988
Marcela Castaneda
Class of 1989
Richard Jean-Baptiste
Class of 1990
© 2016 Created by Patricia Weppler.
Comment Wall (9 comments)
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Hi Kenny I think you and your mother and brother Doug were my next door neighbors . We were good friends and used to play all the time. I'm a Chiropractor living in East Meadow . I'm married with two children and two grandchildren. My mom lives near me. We used to make tents and play in them and your mom had all these great records we would listen to. I remember sleeping over your house when my greatgrandmother died. We moved to Long Island when I was in HS. How have you been ?
Larry Kingsley
Are you the Ken Lerner who has a brother named Doug? If you are that Ken, I'd love to find out how your doing and how Doug is doing. I remember your mom was a real sweet lady. Please let me know if I found that right Ken.
Best Regards,
Sandy Kingsley
(949) 439-8777
I remember watching you walking away....I think we may have called after you, but you just went on marching. My mother was not happy that we upset you...She would be thrilled to see you and my other classmates on this site when she comes to visit me at the end of July.
And hi to you too, Warren. Good to hear from you.
Pretty funny; I haven't had this many people call me "Kenny" in over 40 years!
We were together in Kindergarten and second grade. We must have played together a few times because my mother remembered you when I was going over my class pictures a few years ago. She also remembered that you were the only boy invited to my birthday party in first grade, but something happened and you got mad and went home early (I remember that part too). I have a picture of that day posted on my page here, but you are at the very edge of the photo and it only captures a bit of your profile.
Hope all is well.