Judy Berk Schancupp has not received any gifts yet
Class of 1970
David Chaykin
Class of 1971
Carol Barbuck
Class of 1972
Jay Brandon
Class of 1973
Carol Arken Muller
Class of 1974
Corey Adams
Class of 1975
Gus Berdini
Class of 1976
Helen Anagnostos
Class of 1977
Paul Anavian
Class of 1978
Marc Alan Appelbaum
Class of 1979
Dante Amato
Class of 1980
Randolph Alleyne
Class of 1981
Raymond Bonet
Phil Buckman(Frmrly Phil Joseph
Class of 1982
Stan Beck
Class of 1983
Karen Bloom-Piazza
Class of 1984
Luz Barbosa
Class of 1985
Joel Israel
Class of 1987
Stacey Driscoll (Weisberg)
Class of 1988
Marcela Castaneda
Class of 1989
Richard Jean-Baptiste
Class of 1990
© 2016 Created by Patricia Weppler.
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This tragedy has been my life for the past seven days.
The unfortunate thing was that I knew one of the victims well. I knew her from synagogue, she lived around the corner from me, and her son and his wife were friends with my wife and I. When these things happen, it's always someone else. This time it was not. And that made it all the more difficult to do what I had to do.
So good to hear back from you. I remember those days when you girls came out to the new house. Oh, how i hated it when i first moved. I was a Queens girl, and it took a long time to adjust to the suburban life. For a while, i used to come in on Saturdays with my Dad when he had a store on Queens Blvd, and hangout with you and barbara. It's been a long time...
Life's been good-- i have 3 kids. My oldest son Andy is a junior @Cornell, my daughter Nicole is a senior in HS. She'll be going off to Cornell in the fall as well, and my youngest son Cory is in 5th grade. Not many 54 year old mothers in the grade!
I don't know if i'll be able to go to the reunion yet. It's my daughter's 18th birthday. when it gets closer, i'll have a better idea of what i'm doing. Would love to see the school again and my old apartment. Remember i used to live right across the street?
Do you love living in Atlanta? I was there about 2 years ago for a Bar Mitzvah and absolutely loved it. My husband and I always say that if we had to do it all over again, we would have moved out of New York. Do you ever come up to NY to visit? Do you still have family here? Be in touch and let me know what you're up to. Best, cheryl
I'm leaning toward coming. I discussed it with my wife this AM, she's not so inclined. So I'll probably send in a check for myself within the next two weeks. My daughter is going to Israel this summer, and I'll have to drop her off and pick her up @JFK, so the dates, if I am lucky, may line up. I am unsure of her departure and arrival dates.
So take it mostly as an affirmative. And you're idea of writing about it might not be so out of the question. Maybe I can query a couple of publications and see if there is a market.
I'm sort of ambivalent. As you can tell, it depends on my mood. You and Barbara want to try to convince me?
All best, Cheryl (slimcherc@aol.com)
It would have been a better answer if I used "among" instead of "between."
Between is to be used twoitems, among is for more than two items.
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