Dorothy Lerner has not received any gifts yet
Class of 1970
David Chaykin
Class of 1971
Carol Barbuck
Class of 1972
Jay Brandon
Class of 1973
Carol Arken Muller
Class of 1974
Corey Adams
Class of 1975
Gus Berdini
Class of 1976
Helen Anagnostos
Class of 1977
Paul Anavian
Class of 1978
Marc Alan Appelbaum
Class of 1979
Dante Amato
Class of 1980
Randolph Alleyne
Class of 1981
Raymond Bonet
Phil Buckman(Frmrly Phil Joseph
Class of 1982
Stan Beck
Class of 1983
Karen Bloom-Piazza
Class of 1984
Luz Barbosa
Class of 1985
Joel Israel
Class of 1987
Stacey Driscoll (Weisberg)
Class of 1988
Marcela Castaneda
Class of 1989
Richard Jean-Baptiste
Class of 1990
© 2016 Created by Patricia Weppler.
Comment Wall (21 comments)
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Dear Dorothy: I was sad to learn that this website will be closing down soon. It's funny--I rarely use it, as you realize, but now that it is ending, I feel really sad. I wonder if our classmates might want to share email addresses as a group, so that we can maintain contact, even if only in our dreams. Should we encourage people to do this? What do you think?
my email address is
In many ways it feels like yesterday; is it me or do you agree we were much more mature than the kids today. Seems we've both have had colorful and interesting lives & since the advent of the blow dryer my hair is long and straight (thank God.)
Engaged twice, I never married but I did very well in business, BFD. Let's connect, okay?
I doubt it if you'll remember me. I was Ricki then, a nickname my father gave me. When I finished high school it was time to drop Ricki and use my given name...hence Rebecca.
I too admired you, your voice and the way you carried yourself. We were kids but very mature compared to the kids today.
I became a first time mom at age 49 when I adopted a newborn, Zachary who is now 17, I've had a colorful career, landed in I.T. without a Master's Degree and owned a computer consulting firm.
When I think of those early days I'm reminded how simple and easy life was. My heart breaks for my son and his generation. We may have ducked under our desks (which was scary enough,) but this generation must live with terrorism and nightly news that is often horrific.
Well, time for me to shut up. It would be wonderful to hear back from you. At the very least would you tell me the name of your album...I'd love to buy it and hear your beautiful, powerful voice again. Be well and keep singing!!
Regards Sharon Nash Eisenberg
I remember you with your black hair, beautiful voice and smile, and amazing stage presence. I had Mrs. Bromberg in the 5th grade and remember her playing, "The Flower Drum Song" on the record player as we did our work.
I was a in the Glee Club and had solos, but no starring roles. I don't know if you remember me. I was a quiet little girl. I now deliver training workshops, so I've overcome my shyness!
I'm married for 41 years, have 2 sons--38 and 35, and 3 grandsons.
I'd love to reconnect with some of our fellow classmates.
If there is a way that you could post the photos from the "King and I" (or "My Fair Lady") productions on this website, I would love to see them. Great nostalgia there. (And laughs, too, I'm sure.)
Keep singing, Dottie
"The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety".
Wordsworth ~~ Recollections of early Childhood.
When my sister Barbara recently located the "P.S.164 Facebook" site, I was flabbergasted to read up on my old chums' remarkable histories. I'm not real surprised that so many have done so well since I thought we were a pretty bright group, all in all. Or perhaps they put something in the water fountains. . .
We were in kindergarten together and in the 5th. & 6th. grade Glee Club. I could kind of carry a tune, so Mrs. Bromberg put me in the chorus where I wouldn't do much damage. But your star gleamed even then and I was amazed at the power & control of your voice, at such a young age. It seemed effortless. I'd love to hear that album you produced way back when...
And I remember you as friendly with an open smile & since I was a pretty shy kid, I admired that.
I was the one to tell Gil Gross about the site. We reconnected recently, had a wonderful time reminiscing last month (your name came up among many others.) It's easy to give him high marks; he's a talented & gracious guy. And VERY funny.
I'm very close to my twin Barbara & I do think, when next you come to our coast, we should have a mini- reunion.
Gil Gross
I had a chance to walk through our street when I went to the Reunion the other day. Please check out the photos on my page...Not sure if I identified your house correctly...The street seemed run down compared to our days. And there were so many cars! Of course, those home probably have only aone car garage so everyone has to park on the street. It makes the street look so much smaller. Our house had been torn down but nothing is being done yet. It was sad not to be able to see it. I have so many good memories from those days.
Hope you enjoy the photos!
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